Model workshop organised within the Erasmus+ Youth KA2 Project "Development of competences for Democratic citizenship through formal, non-formal and informal learning".
The task of the workshops was to arrive at a common understanding of civic competences and to enhance understanding of how to develop these competences in formal and non-formal education settings.
For the common understanding of civic competence the main resource was the Council of Europe’s “Reference framework of competences for democratic culture”. It was developed to be adapted for use in primary and secondary schools and higher education and vocational training institutions throughout Europe as well as national curricula and teaching programmes. It contains a model of the competence, which, among other things, was used in Ukrainian documents regulating formal and non-formal education. Also it contains a bank of descriptors (Volume 2), describing the behaviors of people with developed civic competences.
As one of the approaches for motivating, supporting and assessing civic competence development we were using online open badges ( platform). The system of the badges was developed for the workshops as a recognition tool and as a tool to use in educational practices of participants.
In this document we offer a description of the model agenda and core sessions aimed at designing tools to develop civic competences of young people in cooperation between formal education and youth work. The flow and the activities were tested during the three workshops that were successfully conducted within this project. During the workshops participants have developed 48 learning activities for developing civic competences based on interactive methodology that can be used by teachers and youth workers with youth aged 13-17.
Download the full description of the workshop.